Latest DownsiiD News

October 26th 2006

What’s up everybody? It’s been a long time since we have been able to post news on the site due to our attempts to make-over the site. Apparently we had a few set backs but still have plans to give the site a complete makeover once we over come these lil problems. Until then We will maintain the site and bring you up-to-date news as often as we can.


Alot of people have been asking about the ZIPPO SEMI-FINALS and where we stood. Well after the smoke cleared. DOWNSIID did not win and move on to be one of the last 7 bands in the U.S. We are very proud we made it as far as we did and thanks to alot of people that made our goal a reality. Number one our fans and friends that mounted onboard the DOWNSIID Party bus to Austin, Texas.. Our management and of course the FOX 107.3 for helping us and believing in us. We had a packed house, guaranteed most votes, atleast 2 out of 3 judges on our side.. and all of a sudden we did not win.. you all do the math… We’ll be back!!! Check out their video here:


For those who know the band know for a fact how we definitely feel about the band jumping on the USO tour to Iraq. We have been fighting red tape for a longtime. We want to gather all of our military friends, fans and dependents for an all out assault on the USO. We need you all to log into – click on contacts and write them and tell them you want THE SIID to go to iraq.. obviously from Killeen, Texas/FT. Hood. We need all the support we can get. Hope to bring the GHETTO ROCK to Iraq.

Also, we know that DownSiid is a “heavy” group, so if you’re interested in a band to play at a wedding, you would probably be better served by going here. DownSiid is a live band with a growing fan base that follows us all over the world, one city at a time. There, they have a whole slew of live bands that’ll rock your world. But be warned, it’s not all heavy rock. You’ll find all kinds of music styles represented.

DownSiid Band Posing in B&W

Like always stay posted to more news and as we update the whole site.. Also new Merch within the next couple of weeks.. New DOWNSIID shirt, thongs and hot shorts for girls.. Catch us on our next shows and check out the merch… Remember if you’re in the central Texas area, you can get a copy of the new cd at RENAISSANCE RECORDS and Hastings.. if you’re any other place we deliver worldwide. Click on the icon and order a CD NOW! (also includes a money convertor.. THE EVOLUTION OF GHETTO ROCK is here….


June 23rd Line-up change!

What is up people? We hope everyone out there is doing well and ready for more DOWNSIID news. If you haven’t heard yet or was wondering if the rumors of Jarrod Cook (former guitar player for DOWNSIID) Leaving the band were true, well it is. Jarrod and DOWNSIID has parted ways approx. 2½ weeks ago, forcing the SIID to cancel our New Mexico and Florida dates. For our friends and fans in these states, we promise we will return and make these shows up. We have never missed a show to date through snow rain or even vehicle wrecks. We have shown up and performed without missing a beat. So once again we promise to return real soon. As for Jarrod we all wish you well and thank you for the last couple of years, good luck.

DownSiid On The Floor

In, enters DOWNSIID’s newest member B.C. Steele. A local music veteran of the central Texas music scene for many years and one of’s friends with such projects as RACKET BOX and FALLEN DEVICES. He joins the DOWNSIID ranks as the band’s newest bass player with ease. Originally from Maine he now makes his mark as the newest GHETTO ROCKER here in K-TOWN. Welcome to the family and welcome the battle field. catch B.C. on a stage near you…Also, check out some more photos of the band here. You may also want to visit the DownSiid Facebook page or Reverbnation page for DownSiid.

Still wondering about the SIID’s new guitar player, well. After trying to recruit new players we realized that no one knows the bands music better than a original member such as Alex “BOI” Fuentes. Rumors of Alex strapping on a guitar are true… With true professionalism, Alex has taken on the duties as the bands new guitar player. The “BOI’s” energetic stage presence will totally bring a new aura to the bands stage show!

To all the DOWNSIIDer’s please welcome the GHETTO ROCKER’S new line-up!!
Please stay posted for the bands new PROMO SHOTS!!


We are still pushing for votes at once a day everyday until June 30th.. find us under Texas on the U.S. Map that appears. Help us get to the next round!

FREEDOM TOUR JULY 2006! (will continue)

After the departure of Jarrod Cook from DOWNSIID the band was faced with the dilema of possibly canceling the FREEDOM TOUR, that supported the troops throughout the southern states. Even with a recent member lost we are happy to announce that the TOUR will continue without cancellation. Please stay posted to our calendar for any date changes or adding of more dates…

We thank you all for the support and the SIID is still here!!! KEEP IT GHETTO!

May 25th 2006

Whats up everybody out there in DOWNSIID land? Hope everybody is doing well and ready for more DOWNSIID updates and news so here we go……..

So many of you already know that we are participating in this years ZIPPO HOT TOUR competition. voting has just begun a week ago so its not too late to cast your vote. Log into click on the state of Texas and look for DOWNSIID. Check the box and confirm your vote at the bottom. You can vote once a day everyday. Help us get ahead of the game… EVERY DAY ONCE A DAY!
We’re still hanging on within the top 10. Help DOWNSIID to jump on the charts with our song “MORE PAIN”. Our first single “BALLIN” is also within the top 20 as we speak. We need to maintain and jump ahead! Log in and help the SIID.

Once again, DOWNSIID hit LAWTON, OKLAHOMA with our friends PROOF THEORY! We had the great opportunity to do a on radio interview with Z94’s on air personality CRITTER. Thank you all up there in Lawton’s rock station for accepting us and keep those requests on air. We’ll be back July 8th for the FREEDOM TOUR! SEE YOU ALL THEN..


Once again for those just joining us “THE FREEDOM TOUR” kicks off July 1st..@ 11am. DOWNSIID will be at the Clear Creek PX for a meet and greet with soldiers and fans. We will perform a few songs as a thank you to everyone showing up. We will have CD’s for sale and other merchandise. Later that night, July 1st we have our big kick off show at HEROS ROCK CLUB. This will set us on our way on our tour throughout the south to cities outside military installations. It’s our way of saying thank you for the men and women in our armed forces and not to mention there supporters i.e. wives, husbands, sons and daughters. Please stay posted to our schedule as we update our tour schedule. like always for the most up-to-date info hit our MYSPACE PAGE.
We hope to see you all very soon. Keep those requests coming in and CD’s moving off the shelves. We love you all and remember KEEP IT GHETTO!


April 24th 2006

Whats up to everyone out there?
Its been a whole minute since we dropped some news and for that we apologize. DOWNSIID has been on the grind really hard this year to top last years goals so it makes it hard to drop our news sooner. BUT we promise to drop the most up-to-date news when we do drop it, so here we go……..Also, check out our band bio.


After a long planning process with the video and the show it finally came together at the end. The video is finally out and was premiered that night as scheduled. Big thanks to IGR’s Andrew and Brandon for a great experience and for being so patient with us and letting us be part of the planning process for this project. Also of course our management XTREME MARKETING AND MANAGEMENT/ INNERGLOBAL RECORDS for the final push on the project and coming through with the tools to make everything happen again. we love you all from the bottom of our hearts. Of course our extras that came out and supported (too many to name) lol but you know who you are. Overall it was a success and people love the end product. If you haven’t caught the video yet please check out our myspace page at We will have the video on this site as soon as possible. Please enjoy the video and share it with your friends.We need to spread the DOWNSIID word.
The summer is among us and it’s time to hit the road! Once again thanks to INNER GLOBAL RECORDS we received a great surprise this month, a GIANT RV with trailer to start our tour. For a while now we have been planning a tour that would take us around military installations across the South and play for our troops in the Armed Forces. With that said stay posted to our schedule and find where we will land on this tour. We will keep everyone posted as new updates come in for the FREEDOM TOUR!

If you have been following the bands progession you will know that DOWNSIID is on the verge of having 3 songs in the top 20 under the hard rock section. “MORE PAIN” “BALLIN'” and on the way up “BLUE” which will recieve TRACK OF THE DAY this coming weekend on the site’s front page! Jump onto the site and take a few minutes to drop a few comments and give ur opinion on the songs. DOWNSIID always needs the peoples help out there. This site helps indie artist get some exposure and noticed in the industry – so don’t be shy. DOWNSIID needs you!


For you OL’ SKOOLER’S out there! once again check out our myspace page.. check out our blogs and you will find the lyrics to ‘SIMPLE MAN” oh yeah it’s up so please enjoy learn them words and sing along next time. ” I AM SIMPLE MAN SIMPLE MAN I AM”
Please feel free to drop us a line if theres any questions you want answered or something we didn’t cover.. until next time remember to KEEP IT GHETTO!